For the past several decades, 房地产规划师利用有限责任公司(“llc”)作为通过业务的多功能工具, 土地, and other assets from one generation to the next. 有限责任公司与信托和其他规划结构配合良好, and they offer numerous benefits, including flexibility of design and ownership options, a great deal of retained control, general asset protection, ease of formation and administration, broad customization options, and unmatched privacy. But the tide may be turning against LLCs as the recently enacted Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)将从2024年1月1日起取消有限责任公司的广泛隐私利益. 使用有限责任公司作为遗产计划一部分的个人应该随时了解情况, take proactive measures to protect their assets and privacy, 并与他们的房地产规划师合作,以确保在这个不断变化的规划环境中实现他们的目标.

好处 of LLCs in Estate Planning

有限责任公司在遗产规划方面的好处是众所周知的,这里只需要简单地提一下. While some states impose onerous surtaxes on the structure, generally LLCs are cost-effective, as well as easy to form and operate. LLCs can hold most types of assets, 参与者可以获得很容易转让的会员股份. 向有限责任公司提供土地并在家庭成员之间转移有限责任公司的股份通常要容易得多, 而不是每次土地易手都跑去法院重新记录所有权. LLCs are also flexible and customizable, 允许创始成员限制未来成员如何使用其会员股份,或将会员投票权赋予持有股份的信托受托人. 和, as a constant thread through all of these benefits, 有限责任公司的结构一直为有限责任公司成员提供了非凡的隐私.

而有限责任公司是根据州法律设立的,并在州务卿处注册, 大多数有限责任公司法律只要求有限责任公司公开列出注册代理人,而不要求有限责任公司披露其成员的身份. This privacy has numerous benefits. 例如, if an LLC owns a home, LLC成员可以住在那所房子里,而不必被公开记录为房主. 也, LLC transfers are themselves not publicly recorded, allowing substantial movements of wealth from person to person, 远离徘徊在遗嘱认证法庭或县记录办公室周围的窥探的眼睛. 当然, this kind of privacy can be abused by malevolent actors, such as drug syndicates and money launderers, 这种滥用的可能性最近引起了联邦政府的注意.

Corporate Transparency Act Overview

作为《明升app》的一部分,国会推翻了特朗普总统的否决权,通过了《明升app》. Starting on January 1, 2024, CTA将要求某些实体向金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN)报告其受益所有人信息。, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. 该法案将“受益所有人”定义为对实体行使控制权的个人, 要么通过持有公司大部分有表决权的股份,要么通过其他方式. CTA所涵盖的公司必须提供有关其受益所有人的具体信息, including their names, 地址, and dates of birth, 对FinCEN. 重要的是,CTA涵盖有限责任公司,包括那些仅仅用于持有资产进行遗产规划的有限责任公司. 此外, 任何以信托形式持有的有限责任公司可能都必须向信托的授予人和受益人报告所需的信息, not just the information of the trustee.

The CTA is likely to have a chilling effect on the use of LLCs in estate planning. Individuals who value privacy, especially from the federal government, 有可能放弃使用有限责任公司,转而采用仍然允许匿名的结构吗, such as irrevocable trusts. 尽管失去了隐私,但继续使用有限责任公司的个人可能会面临向FinCEN报告的额外合规成本, maintaining accurate records, and updating reports whenever membership shares trade hands. 律师事务所和会计师事务所可能必须制定额外的协议,以确保客户持有的有限责任公司履行CTA规定的义务.

The CTA does not eliminate the use of LLCs in estate planning; it just changes the 土地scape. 有限责任公司仍然为其成员提供很大的灵活性和控制权, even if those members must now report themselves to the government. 个人如有兴趣了解中央行政长官如何影响他们现有的遗产计划,或他们将来如何规划 contact their LBMC professional advisor.

Content provided by LBMC tax professional, David Frederick.

David Frederick, J.D., LL.M. is a Senior Manager of High Net Worth 税es and Planning at LBMC, PC.  David是一名律师,他在LBMC的业务重点是为高净值个人提供遗产规划方面的建议, business succession planning, and tax mitigation. He can be reached at 大卫 or 615-690-1931.

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